External Harddrive question
Date: 06/27/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: no keywords
I have a friend that has a 200g external. It's formatted for PC.
Seagate, maybe a year old.
Yesterday, while trying to get stuff from me he hooked it up to my mac. It took a while, but the mac recconized it and I was able to transfter stuff to it. Later when I plugged it into my PC (XP Pro, P3) it asked me did I want to format the drive.
I plugged it back into my mac, and the mac said the same thing.
My understanding with the mac/pc interface is that if it was already formatted for PC then it shouldn't have any problems going between platform, that is unless it was not suppose to ever go on a mac.
Is there anyway to recover the files on the hdd or are they lost.
thanks again
x-posted many places
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/713250.html