What is the best way to backup your computer?

    Date: 08/10/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    If I want to backup my windows box, what is the best way to do so? I don't want copies of just the files, but literally everything. A drive image of sorts. Although in this case, I want to burn it to DVD's.

    There's about 16 gigs (documents and settings, program files, windows, etc) of data on the hard drive that I want to backup, and about 70 gigs of other files that I've already backed up by hand that I don't need to bother with.

    What software would you recommend?

    AMD 3200+ CPU
    ASUS A7V880 mobo
    1 gig PC3200 DDR ram
    160 gig SATA hard drive
    16x / 8x DVD burner (8x write)

    50 or so DVD -R's

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/745900.html

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