need help with SCO

    Date: 08/10/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Loading SCO 5.06 onto an Intel Socket T system with 1gb memory and a 29320A SCSI Controller. I managed to get the drivers loaded at boot for the scsi controller and it now recognizes the drives, but after it copies the files to the drive it asks for the BTLD floppy and i put it in and tell it to go and it comes back with an error stating that there is a mount problem and to retry or restart. No matter how many floppies or drives i try I get the same error, and SCO's support team has not called me back after I left them a message a few hours ago. Any ideas why it might not find the btld disk when it found it to get the drivers in the first place? i'm at a loss.


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