
    Date: 11/15/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I just wrote this while trying to think of something else to do. I figured that the people here would probably appreciate it more than my normal friends list would.

    Hooker: 402: Payment Required, 202: Accepted, 100: Continue
    John: 300: Multiple Choices
    Hooker: 405: Method Not Allowed, 307: Temporary Redirect
    John: 200: OK
    Hooker: 413: Request Entity Too Large, 409: Conflict
    John: 417: Expectation Failed, 502: Bad Gateway, 503: Service Unavailable
    Hooker: 410: Gone, 307: Temporary Redirect
    John #2: 302: Found
    Hooker: 402: Payment Required, 202: Accepted, 100: Continue
    John #2: 409: Conflict, 204: No Content
    Hooker: 411: Length Required, 404: Not Found. 417: Expectation Failed. 410: Gone.

    ...Yes, I was VERY bored... why do you ask? *facepalm*


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