new computer

    Date: 11/15/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, google

    My friend wants to spend $3,000 for a new desktop.
    He wants it to be reliable, quiet, elegant and Longhorn-ready.
    He does occasional web design (Flash, Photoshop), sound editing, likes GoogleEarth, flight simulators, rips DVDs, and does NOT play any games.
    Here's what I suggested:

    Lian Li V1100 case $200
    Antec Phantom 500 $150
    Swan M200 speakers $200
    ViewSonic VP2030 LCD $800
    Logitech A-1000 mouse $50
    MS natural keyboard $50
    Plextor 716SA $150
    WD Raptor 74 GB (RAID 5) $3x150
    Audigy2 NX $100
    ATI Radeon Pro 9800 256 MB $250
    Corsair DDR2 dual channel 400 MHz 2x1GB $200
    Asus P5WD2 with Intel 955X chipset $200
    Pentium D 830 3.0 GHz $350

    What do you think?


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