DVD Rom Problems & Sony CDs

    Date: 12/19/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    I think I may have found the problem with my dvd drive not working like it should (i posted this last week I believe).

    It was that damned Sony Copyright protection software that got installed onto my computer. I thought disabling the XCP CD Proxy service would fix the problem, but it did not. I noticed what while I was watching a dvd this morning and having it crash again that the $sys$drmserver process was running via the task manager tool. Every time it ran, the dvd player would start skipping again.

    I was very pissed off at this point! If there is a class action lawsuit against Sony, I'm joining it. Not only could I not removed the drmserver files in c:\winnt\system32\$sys$filesystem without getting into save mode, I could not remove the registry entries either.

    Just another piece of unwanted, intrusive software that makes me think twice before buying any cds created by Sony Music Group.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/837541.html

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