To Win64 or NOT To Win64?

    Date: 12/23/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    Ok... I just got my brand new machine that has the following Hardware setup:

    AMD Athlon 64 4400+ X2
    1 GB RAM
    250GB Serial ATA II HD
    PCI Express nVidia GeForce 7800 GT 256mb
    Linksys WMP54G (Version 4 I believe... I just got it and its the really small one)
    nForce 4 SLI Motherboard
    AC '97 7.1ch OnBoard Sound Card

    I have a copy of Windows XP 64-bit available for me to install (Thank you MSDN,) but I'm wondering whether or not its worth installing. I know that there's not alot of software out there that truly supports XP 64, but my main concern is the whole issue of drivers and getting all my hardware to work correctly with the new OS. Does anyone here have any experience with dual boot/Win64 machines and how hard it is to get equivalent drivers for the 64-bit windows? I realize that I won't be able to use Win64 for my everyday use, but also I don't want to run it if I can't get most of the functionality of my computer. Any advice would be appreciated.


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