Shopping for a new notebook...

    Date: 12/24/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm on the market for a new computer, but to be totally honest, I don't know what to look for. There's a lot of stuff out there right now and I'd really appreciate it if someone would be so kind as to help me narrow things down. :]

    I want something:

    - super small (I want to carry it from class to class on a large university campus)
    - but not SO small that I can't do anything with it, though I do plan on using an external HD at home.

    I would be using it for:

    - word processing
    - playing music
    - watching lectures online
    - using the internet in general
    - storing photos and other small files

    I basically want it to be small enough for me to carry around (I'm small too, and I have no muscles!!) but with enough power that I'd be able to multitask and use large-ish programs without having it slow down and freak out on me.

    Also.. what are the pros and cons of using a Mac?

    Sorry for the long personal post, and thanks for any responses!!


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