Symmetric Multiprocessing Question

    Date: 12/30/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    I just got a computer with a dual core processor (AMD 4400+ X2 Athlon.) I know that most programs can't take advantage of SMP processing (aside from programs like Photoshop,) but I was wondering if there's any way you can like "tell" the processors what to process. I suppose this is just overkill, and overall I haven't noticed problems with multitasking. For example its not uncommon for me to play games like Doom 3 or Source-code (ie HL2) in a window while I browse the web or talk to people on AIM. I have Windows XP Professional (thank god since I only now have learned that Home can't use SMP) and is it "smart" enough to properly distribute the workload amongst the cores, like it would dedicate Doom 3 to one core while it dedicates everything else to the other one? I'm just wondering how "smart" XP Pro is in distributing the workload amongst the cores. I couldn't find much literature about this online. Any info is appreciated.


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