Here's one for you...

    Date: 12/31/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: microsoft

    So I'm subscribed to 'Charter Cable Broadband Internet' with 3 megabytes of bandwidth.
    I'm using a 'Linksys Wireless-G with SRX' router alongside a 'D-Link DWL-AG520' Wireless-G PCI card, at 54 megs a second, right? So if 54 megs is complete overkill for 3 megs of bandwidth, and my wireless signal drops down to, lets say, "28 megs a second (as detected by the 'Microsoft Zero Wireless Configuration Utility' ," I theoretically shouldn't notice any change in my connection speed, right? But when it does drop to "28 megs" for whatever reason, the connection CRAWLS to near sub-dsl speed. Why is that? Even 28 megs a second should be plenty fast enough for my wee 3 megs bandwidth. So what's the deal? My guess is that the "megabytes a second" used to determine wireless connection speed isn't as accurate as they predict. What's your take?


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