Logitech products~

    Date: 01/01/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: technology, web

    Ok, so I'm a bit of a Logitech fan, and haven't had problems with their products. I'm looking to buy a new mouse, and possibly a webcam. First I need your opinion~

    The mouse I've been looking at is the MX610 wireless laser mouse. It's comfortable (in store display), uses a laser, and has a decent wireless adapter, but isn't rechargeable, and to my knowledge does not work well with Trillian (Email and IM notification lights on the mouse itself). This wouldn't be much of a problem, but compatibility is always nice.

    The webcams in mind are the QuickCam Fusion and the QuickCam Orbit MP. Both use a newer technology for logitech that greatly increase image quality in low light conditions, the main difference between the two being the Orbits' pan/tilt functions. Honestly I really need a good digital camera, and would probably pass on the webcam if I can actually decide on one. Suggestions, please? Price limit is $200.

    Your tolerance (of me) and support (for me) is greatly appreciated!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/847772.html

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