Hi, everyone.

    Date: 01/02/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus

    I'm new in this community, but I think I can help with some problems.But meanwhile I'm experiensing a problem that I can't solve myself:My display goes black after the random period of time. It can be 5 minutes since last rebut, or 5 hours. It can happen, when PC is idle or while brousing or unraring something. It never happens whie playing, though... Computer is not rebuting, display just goes black and sound stops.I don't think its virus or power problem (I formated everything, reinstalled system, blah, blah, blah... Nothing helped.)I think it's about BIOS upgrade, 'cause it started to happen after I changeg CPU from Celeron 1.7 to Celeron 2.8 (yeah, I know, it's crap, but I'm poor lone soldier!!!). I don't have a clue, how to upgrade bios, that is why I need your help.
    Now I have Award bios v 6.00 PG.The third line in booting screen is BIOS-I-2M (2K020523).
    This is my motherboard.
    I'd really appreciate your help, people.Thanks.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/848134.html

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