Thanx for the help with the previous one.

    Date: 01/03/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: java

    And there is some other problems for you to help me with:

    1) When I press the right button on hardisk or floppy/disk-drive in my computer screen explorer crushes.

    2) When I view mdf/mds file in any program (explorer, winrar, emule... I think they explorer based) explorer (or the other program) crushes. Dos navigator (runed from windows) view them fine.

    3) My opera 8.51 build 7712 crushes on some sites with M2 error (store unit failed engine unit() failed). Opera reinstalling doesnt help. I'll try to delete all flash and java stuff and then reinstall everything.

    4) When I watch video with Light Alloy media player v.3.3, the taskbar start to pop up in fullscreen mode. Reinstall of Light Alloy or Windows doesn't help. Other players (crystal, VLC, windows media...) work fine.

    5) And 4 question (nothing to do with computers): does it bug anyone, that I xpost my questions in 4 communities or there is one comunity that everybody watch?

    Now, I use Windows Pro XP SP2. When I install it (as windows Pro XP SP1) it works fine without first two mistakes. After update with Windows Update, the issues appears. I tried allready 2 version of windows, atlist the cd-keys were different, but it doesnt help.


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