Seeking Opinions on large volume data storage

    Date: 01/10/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, database


    I'm considering upgrading my data storage. Right now I store my data on CD-Rs and DVD-Rs. There is an article out today saying that the life of these disks is shorter than most people assume.

    Storage expert warns of short life span for burned CDs

    The volume of data is fairly large (between 2 and 3 terabytes). The data is of many types. Video, Audio, Pictures, office Documents, Software, databases, source code, hard drive images etc... Just a bunch of miscellaneous data big and small.

    Solution 1 - Build a file server

    My first thought was to build a separate box with a bunch of hard drives. The assumption being that hard drives are going to be more durable than CDs or DVDs. If I shell out some serious bucks on hard drives, disk controllers and a large power supply I think I could get it all on one box comfortably with room to expand.


    • Data will be easily accessible.

    • Hard drives are more durable than other media (Assumption)

    • There are good maintenance applications for hard drives.

    • Organization. Easier to keep hard drives organized

    • Very Compact


    • Cost.

    • Time required to build box

    • Maintenance of another computer

    • Software expense

    • electricity usage

    Solution 2 - Buy External USB Hard Drives and HUB

    I could buy USB based hard drives and connect them to my PC through a hub.


    • Less expensive

    • Doesn't require building another box

    • No software needed

    • easy Maintenance


    • Cables. This will require a lot of data cables and power cables

    • Need something to contain it all like a cabinet

    • USB Reliability?(Info Needed)

    • Drive Reliability?(Info Needed)

    • Data Transfer speed?(Info Needed)

    Solution 3 - Tape Storage

    I haven't used tapes in years so I don't know what the cost/reliability issues arise with tapes.


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