icon associations / upload problems

    Date: 01/15/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, web

    After installing some software, I've somehow lost the icon associations for some graphic images. (jpg and gif, mainly) The icon is the windows white "square", with the bent corner and the windows "window" inside of it. (no, not the flying windows icon.) In a folders details view, all the extensions are intact, and by double clicking on them, the appropriate associated application launches. In Properties of the file, it says "Opens with unknown application", yet, as I said, double clicking does open it in the appropraie program.

    Of course, Tools \ Folder Options\ File Types allows me to remedy this, but the icons for jpgs and gifs do not seem to be there for me to associate with the file types.

    As a kicker, I've had some websites where I uploaded pictures to, bark at me when I attempt to upload a jpg or gif. I doubt these 2 are related, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it.

    XP, sp2.

    Any thoughts?

    After a bunch of "RESTORE and "CHANGE ICON" clicks, it seems to have righted itself. Thanks!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/860724.html

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