consumerstreaming audio from your computer

    Date: 01/28/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I feel like a moron for asking, as I do audio for a living, but I cannot find an consumer based app, Mac or PC to do this.

    I'm looking for an app to stream LIVE audio from my computer. This would only be to a few people...without going through a third party server such as live365, etc.

    I don't need any frills; in fact I can give the listeners the IP of my computer. Real simple.

    Plug in suggestions for major apps, etc., are welcomed. I'd prefer it to be in a generic format so my listeners do not have to download any special players. Keep in mind, this is LIVE, not prerecorded.

    And of course, freeware / shareware is always better.




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