Various Hard Drive Questions

    Date: 01/31/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Ok this post is kinda all over the place so any comments on various snippets is cool.
    I'm looking to get a 2nd hard drive for my computer. I have a 250GB in there right now and am looking to add another drive as a backup/additional storage space. I had some questions though about getting the best HD value I can in terms of performance:

    1. Whats the difference between SERIAL ATA and ULTRA ATA?
    2. Is ATA150 much better than ATA100?
    3. If I install Windows XP 64 on the new HD, will the 2 HDs (Current has XP Pro Regular) be able to recognize and share files on each other since they're both NTFS?
    4. Do they sell "extension cords" for power cords that power up hardware within the computer? (Those flat plugs with the 4 holes in them that are hooked up to the main power supply)

    Ok thats it. Thanks in advance.


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