Trouble Viewing QuickTime Movies embedded into PDF

    Date: 03/14/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, browser, html, web, google

    Edited for solution

    It's been forever and a day since I've been able to view any of the tutorials from this site --

    Apparently I'm not the only one, so he sent out an email the other day --

    Removing White Backgrounds

    Hi There,

    In the past 2 weeks I have been experimenting with different ways of delivering the weekly tutorial, because depending on what computer set up you have, you either get to watch the tutorial or you don't. "I have been listening to your comments you know" :)

    So I have come up with a way of embedding the normal Quicktime video into a pdf and using that pdf as a container for delivery through your browser. The pdf version has been tested with users like yourself this week on Internet Explorer, Mozilla & Safari web browsers and no problems so far.


    You will need to have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader 7. Its free and you can get it by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting the url into your web browser.

    Get Adobe Reader

    Click or Copy & Paste into Browser.

    Once you have Acrobat installed you can then go to the tutorials page as normal.

    When you click on the "View Here" link, a blank browser page will appear and the pdf will start to download. It is 10.48mb in size and will take about 2.5 min's to download.

    Once you can view the page in the browser you will then be able to "save a copy" to your desktop and view offline for as long as you want.

    Finally, there is an option in Acrobat to change the view in %. The video tutorial is best viewed at 75% rather than the default 100%. If you have any problems then please email me by return.

    This method of pdf delivery has been tested this week, but I am very keen to know what you think of it?

    Removing White Backgrounds

    This episode shows you how to remove a subject from its white background and blend with another image.

    Click or Copy & Paste into Browser.

    I downloaded the tutorial. I have Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 and Quicktime 7 but when I tried to
    view it, I got the error "The media requires an additional player. Please click 'Get Media Player' to download the correct media player. To play the media, you will need to close and restart the application once the player installation is complete." When I click 'Get Media Player' it takes me to the Apple site and I download Itunes and Quicktime 7, which I already have. So, I uninstalled QuickTime 7 and installed 6.5.2. Now I can get past that initial error, but I am back to hearing audio and no video. I get this error "QuickTime is missing software required to perform this operation. Unfortunately, it is not available on the QuickTime server."

    I can't seem to find anything helpful with google. Can someone please help me alleviate my frustration?


    The solution
    was so easy once I found out. In Adobe Reader, there is an option to check for new updates. When I clicked this, I received a message that there were no new updates. Googling the right question brought me to an actual Adobe page that had a link to some updates. (Not sure why the program didn't find these). I updated my Adobe Reader to 7.0.5 and now have no troubles viewing the movie.

    I found this solution on this page --


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