R . A . T . ?

    Date: 03/17/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'll start with a quick hullo, I'm new to the community.

    I found this community by searching "hacking" under LJ interests.

    Now I'm not quite sure if that's against the guidelines, so I won't delve to deeply into anything. But...

    Does anyone here have any experience with Remote Administration Tools (RATS)? My intentions are completely experimental, and I'm having trouble connecting to the "other" computer, even with their IP address.

    Once again, if this is against the rules, go ahead and delete this, I'm just wondering if anyone here shares my interests.

    Alright looks like I have an "okay" from the boss, so here it is:

    El Problemo-

    Just verifying that my intentions are for educational / experimental purposes only, and I'm actually working between two of my own computers. This is just something I'm playing around with, and I would never try to infect someone's computer without their permission. And I don't think I'll ever get anyone's permission. So I guess I'm just kind of amusing myself here.

    I'm using "ProRAT" from prorat.net. The program seemed user easy enough, pretty self-explanatory stuff, and at first, I thought all you needed was an IP Address to connect.

    (((See, I'm actually really ignorant when it comes to computer stuff. )))

    Anyways, turns out that...

    "There must be a ProRat server running on the target PC otherwise you cannot connect."

    Anyone know how to get a server onto another computer? Even if I have to download it manually from the "victim" computer, that'll work because both computers are mine. This is probably some really obvious question, but like I said, I'm an ignorant fourteen year old.

    Thanks in advance,

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/896323.html

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