Picasa + codec problem

    Date: 03/17/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google


    Anyone can tell me how picasa 2 (the one from google) got anything to do with video codecs? I installed ace mega codec pack (player install, not all codecs) on my computer. After that I can't get my picasa open. It just crashes with windows send/dont send error report. If I uninstall Ace mega codec pack, it works just fine. Ok so, how I know which codec is doing this? Ace Mega codec pack has like million codecs and I'm not very willing to try them all one at the time. I'm getting tired of constant install/uninstall thing everytime I want to watch a movie or watch pictures. This problem is driving me nuts! Anyone know better codec pack than Ace? Thanks guys and girls.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/895952.html

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