
    Date: 03/18/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I think someone's hacking into my AIM account.

    I got two messages since last night with someone going:

    [03:39] the greathatsby: i say, old bean, have you seen my hat?

    And when I answered them back, last night, I said I didn't know them, and that was that. So then again just now, they did it under a different name["scrubtron"]. When I answered it back, there got some fucked-up crossed wires or something: I thought I was answering this whacko, "scrubtron", but the person on the other end was my brother, who said that on HIS IM screen, *I* was coming up AS "scrubtron". Knowing that people like our asshole friend Thumper love fucking with me, can anyone tell me here WHAT EXACTLY IS GOING ON?

    And if anyone messages you with that name, it SURE as hell isn't me. Where can I fucking REPORT this? In this "scrubtron"'s User Info, it says "mess with the best, die like the rest".

    X-posted to several other places


« R . A . T . ? || said with the most sarcasm... »

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