1. Fragging themselves...

    Date: 01/24/06     Keywords: technology

    As reported by MSNBC: The video game industry’s 2006 E3 trade show in Los Angeles is getting a make-over — banned are the swarms of sexy, semi-clad “booth babes” that in years past took the unveiling of new games and technology to titillating new levels.

    Rules prohibiting the use of scantily clad young women to peddle video games are nothing new, but the handbook for this year’s show in May outlines tough new penalties, including a $5,000 fine on the spot for the booth owner if the “booth babe” is semi-clad.

    I can think of about 20 people off the top of my head who probably won't go now.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/868230.html

  2. HL2/CS:S Problem

    Date: 01/23/06     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi, for my birthday I recieved Half Life 2 Retail CD. My birthday was in September of last year. It still won't work, neither Half Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, nor Half Life 2: DM. The problem is that when the game launches, it gets to the loading screen [in all 3 games], and then crashes back to the desktop. I've tried contacting Steam twice for tech support, and they were useless. I had a skilled friend try, and nothing. So...can you offer help? My specs are:

    Windows XP
    Intel P4 2.4 GHz
    120 GBs
    512 RAM
    GeForce 5200

    Also to note, its not the copy of the game because I've tried installing with different versions. And I can run games on this system, such as BF2, Call of Duty 2, and Doom 3. Thanks for all your help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/867745.html

  3. Gmail, and Google

    Date: 01/20/06     Keywords: yahoo, google

    To whomever was asking about boycotting Google addesses, I thought of that post when I saw this.


    This, is a frightening thing, even though it's been going on for a long, long time now. Because if the public is aware that the government wants to try and strong-arm even "random" "unidentifiable" information, then they'll be that much more paranoid about searching for information -- after all, what someone may think is innocuous, this administration might well be paranoid, themselves, about. And the more frightened people are about looking up what they need or want to know, the more they'll end up coming to rely on what the readily acessible media feeds them. Deliberate or not -- and honestly, I don't have enough faith in the current government to suspect ZOMG A CONSPIRACY! -- this has the real potential to not end well at all.

    Cross-posted to '[info]'ubergeeks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/866149.html

  4. Farkin Firefox

    Date: 01/20/06     Keywords: no keywords

    I lost all my bookmarks in my onr profile a little while ago. Like a DF I forgot to back them up. Is there a way I can get them back?

    What is that feature called where you can "roll back time" in xp to not include something you downloaded?

    Thanks so much

    Have I mentioned I am po'd at Firefox?

    Does that roll-back page include reviving bookmarks?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/865953.html

  5. "Acoustic Fingerprint" Software

    Date: 01/20/06     Keywords: software

    I use ieatbrainz on my Mac to clean up my MP3 files, but I now find that 1.0.7 does not run under 10.3.8. Starts to launch, then crashes. No error messages.

    However, I can always clean up the tags on Windows. (XP sp2) Anyone have any alternative software solutions?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/865085.html

  6. SHOUTcast Alternative?

    Date: 01/19/06     Keywords: no keywords

    I enjoy the SHOUTcast TV feature on Winamp, but I'm not a fan of AOL. Are there any other programs with which I can watch SHOUTcast TV streams? I've looked into Winamp Alternative and the Quintessential Player, but as far as I can gather, they only play the audio streams, not the video streams.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/864399.html

  7. DNS problem

    Date: 01/19/06     Keywords: no keywords

    I completely messed up DNS on a 2003 server today and have a few questions on how things work. First, under _msdcs.domain.local, which is now gone, there was a alias (CNAME) that was a GUID. How is this GUID determined? I have the choice of demoting the DC then promoting again, which will solve my problem but then I lose my AD (not to mention that I attempted that once on this server before and ended up having to install the OS from scratch). Don’t want to do that. Next I can manually recreate the _msdcs.domain.local subdomain in DNS, I fell I can do this fairly easily with the exception of the CNAME GUID and the domain GUID. Are these necessary for a single server environment? If I recreate the dc, gc, and pdc files will that be sufficient? If not are the GUIDs created somehow for the specific machine or are they just randomly assigned? Are they stored somewhere in AD so that I can recover them, and if I can’t recover them will assigning new random GUIDs cause problems? I’ve been all over the net trying to answer these questions and would really appreciate any input.
    Thank You in advance

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/864013.html

  8. Sempron vs Athlon XP?

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: no keywords

    So I'm in the middle of building a multimedia system, and I've some across an interesting roadblock. I'm having trouble deciding between an Athlon XP or a Sempron! This site explains the differences. Honestly I don't see why I should get a Sempron 3000+ when I could get an Athlon XP 3200+, which is faster than the newer sempron!! Are there any other differences besides that?

    I'm only comparing Socket 462/A models, so keep the others out of mind~

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/863872.html

  9. Sempron vs Athlon XP?

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: no keywords

    So I'm in the middle of building a multimedia system, and I've some across an interesting roadblock. I'm having trouble deciding between an Athlon XP or a Sempron! This site explains the differences. Honestly I don't see why I should get a Sempron 3000+ when I could get an Athlon XP 3200+, which is faster than the newer sempron!! Are there any other differences besides that?

    I'm only comparing Socket 462/A models, so keep the others out of mind~

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/863872.html

  10. Worth it?

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: no keywords

    I'm considering switching from Adelphia Cable to SBC DSL. The only plan I can get from SBC is their 1.5d/384u package. With Adelphia the upstream is the same but the downstream is usually around 2-3Mbps. SBC is way cheaper but I'm not sure if SBC would be a major downgrade for me. Should I still think about going to DSL or stay with Adelphia?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/863742.html

  11. Worth it?

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: no keywords

    I'm considering switching from Adelphia Cable to SBC DSL. The only plan I can get from SBC is their 1.5d/384u package. With Adelphia the upstream is the same but the downstream is usually around 2-3Mbps. SBC is way cheaper but I'm not sure if SBC would be a major downgrade for me. Should I still think about going to DSL or stay with Adelphia?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/863742.html

  12. Staggered (Batch) Copying

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: software

    I'm looking for a program that can do staggered copying. Quite frequently, I need to copy large amounts of data (Hundreds of GB to TB) from external SCSI, Firewire, Shared Storage, etc., to other external drives. Also quite frequently, while dragging & dropping and the copying is starting, the computer gets sluggish, or cannot continue to copy from and to multiple sources simultaneously. Error messages ensue. Rather than wait the hours and hours for one drive to finish, just to start another manually, is there an application out there to "batch" copy commands to pickup once the previous is done?

    I encounter this under both Mac OS and PC platforms, so I'm open to any piece of software.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/863416.html

  13. Staggered (Batch) Copying

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: software

    I'm looking for a program that can do staggered copying. Quite frequently, I need to copy large amounts of data (Hundreds of GB to TB) from external SCSI, Firewire, Shared Storage, etc., to other external drives. Also quite frequently, while dragging & dropping and the copying is starting, the computer gets sluggish, or cannot continue to copy from and to multiple sources simultaneously. Error messages ensue. Rather than wait the hours and hours for one drive to finish, just to start another manually, is there an application out there to "batch" copy commands to pickup once the previous is done?

    I encounter this under both Mac OS and PC platforms, so I'm open to any piece of software.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/863416.html

  14. dumb question

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: no keywords

    hey guys quick question. whenever i let my laptop go idle or to sleep it signs me off AIM but leaves everything else that i was on running. is there a way to fix this???

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/862992.html

  15. dumb question

    Date: 01/18/06     Keywords: no keywords

    hey guys quick question. whenever i let my laptop go idle or to sleep it signs me off AIM but leaves everything else that i was on running. is there a way to fix this???

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/862992.html

  16. MTV Overdrive

    Date: 01/17/06     Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, this is an annoying problem and I can't figure it out. I'm trying to watch TRL on MTV Overdrive. I've never seen the show and I need to see the style and graphics, so I can emulate it for work. The problem is that I'm in Canada and the WMV DRM only allows viewers from the US.

    I've tried going through a proxy server at Berkley, but that didn't work. I've tried a couple "anonymizer" type deals and that didn't work either. Any ideas how I can get around this or get video of TRL somewhere?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/862948.html

  17. MTV Overdrive

    Date: 01/17/06     Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, this is an annoying problem and I can't figure it out. I'm trying to watch TRL on MTV Overdrive. I've never seen the show and I need to see the style and graphics, so I can emulate it for work. The problem is that I'm in Canada and the WMV DRM only allows viewers from the US.

    I've tried going through a proxy server at Berkley, but that didn't work. I've tried a couple "anonymizer" type deals and that didn't work either. Any ideas how I can get around this or get video of TRL somewhere?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/862948.html

  18. BIOS = locked out

    Date: 01/17/06     Keywords: no keywords

    So I have a laptop that I am fixing for a friend. They had the BIOS password turned on (knew the user pw, but not the administrator). After reinstalling WinXP, I decided to clear out the user pw. After several successful reboots, BIOS decided that it wasn't going to let me in; it seemed to want this admin pw that it had never needed before.

    Tried every password I could find for Phoenix (and Award) BIOS & every word that shows up on the computer as a pw. Still getting error 00000, system locked. I opened up the case, on the off chance that the board had desktop-style jumpers or a battery, but no luck. I've found schematics showing which pins could be shorted on the clock chip, but would rather do anything *other* than crossing wires on someone elses hardware.

    Is he stuck taking it to a data recovery / laptop tech, or does anyone have a tip? Thanks in advance

    Oh, I dont have the board right in front of me, but here's what I remember:
    Brand: Averatec
    Intel Centrino set
    Phoenix BIOS
    about 1 year old

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/862645.html

  19. BIOS = locked out

    Date: 01/17/06     Keywords: no keywords

    So I have a laptop that I am fixing for a friend. They had the BIOS password turned on (knew the user pw, but not the administrator). After reinstalling WinXP, I decided to clear out the user pw. After several successful reboots, BIOS decided that it wasn't going to let me in; it seemed to want this admin pw that it had never needed before.

    Tried every password I could find for Phoenix (and Award) BIOS & every word that shows up on the computer as a pw. Still getting error 00000, system locked. I opened up the case, on the off chance that the board had desktop-style jumpers or a battery, but no luck. I've found schematics showing which pins could be shorted on the clock chip, but would rather do anything *other* than crossing wires on someone elses hardware.

    Is he stuck taking it to a data recovery / laptop tech, or does anyone have a tip? Thanks in advance

    Oh, I dont have the board right in front of me, but here's what I remember:
    Brand: Averatec
    Intel Centrino set
    Phoenix BIOS
    about 1 year old

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/862645.html

  20. I Hope the Plural of Virus is Viruses

    Date: 01/17/06     Keywords: software, virus, spyware

    What's the largest number of viruses or spyware you've ever found on a computer?

    My Aunt Eva's computer has 366 viruses and 299 instances of spyware infecting it. Prior to my installing a combined anti-virus and anti-spyware software, it seems to have gone unchecked and unprotected since somewhere around 2003.

    Crossposted to my LJ and the ComputerGeeks forum

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/862306.html

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