One DataView, multiple routines.

    Date: 04/12/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: sql

    There has to be a better way to do this...

    private void btnMarket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DataView dvRates = new DataView(dsHospRates.RateData);
                dvRates.RowFilter = "RateTypeID = 1 AND ProvID = " + cboName.SelectedValue.ToString();
                dgRates.DataSource = dvRates;
            private void btnContract_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DataView dvRates = new DataView(dsHospRates.RateData);
                dvRates.RowFilter = "RateTypeID = 2 AND ProvID = " + cboName.SelectedValue.ToString();
                dgRates.DataSource = dvRates;
            private void btnMarket2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DataView dvRates = new DataView(dsHospRates.RateData);
                dvRates.RowFilter = "RateTypeID = 3 AND ProvID = " + cboName.SelectedValue.ToString();
                dgRates.DataSource = dvRates;

    What I want to do is instantiate dvRates somewhere higher up in the code, so each time a button is clicked, the data filters simply get changed instead of a new DataView getting instantiated. However, I can't find a single place where I can instantiate it like this. I've tried putting it in the designer, but I can't figure out what reference contains DataView; declaring it as System.Data.DataView, System.Data.SqlClient.DataView, System.Collections.Generic.DataView, and System.Windows.Forms.DataView all fail. Declaring it in Form_Load makes it private to Form_Load, so it's not recognized below (and I don't want to make Form_Load public). Declaring it outside a routine causes it to break because "An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'HospitalRates.dsHospRates.RateData.get'." Declaring it in public HospitalForm() gives me the same error. It works in the Button_Click events listed above, though.

    Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? Thanks.

    Visual C# 2005 Standard.


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