TableAdapters and mapping parameters

    Date: 06/13/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: asp, sql, microsoft

    Hello, guys. Experts-exchange couldn't help. Microsoft support couldn't help. Though, the problem seems easy to solve, just a technicality.

    When you program for ASP.NET 2.0, you can use TableAdapters in Visual Studio 2005 to connect your program with the stored procedures on the SQL Server 2005. Like, you need a function for getting a client by his id. You go to DataSet designer, and add a new TableAdapter. You choose the pre-made stored procedure in the "SELECT" field, and everything is perfect. Here's the problem: when you try to create a TableAdapter for "INSERT" or "UPDATE", it asks you to map the parameters to columns in some datatable. But even if I add a new datatable to the DataSet designer, and create columns corresponding to parameters in my stored procedure, I still can't select them when wizard asks me to map them. These colums are simply not there. How can I map something in my program to those Stored Procedure parameters through TableAdapter? Please, help.

    P.S. I realize this isn't an ASP or VS.NET community, but this subject is very popular within c# circles, so hope I'm not causing any inconvenience.


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