I hope this isn't considered flamebait/off topic.

    Date: 08/04/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: programming

    I may have a few development projects to undertake in the next while which I will be using to build up my work experience to acquire a programming job in the future. By education, I'm primarily a C++ programmer. But in this day and age, I find that a lot of the jobs at my level (entry-level) are looking for everything but C++.

    My question is whether or not C# has enough of a following to make it a good language to gain experience in, (as in, are there a reasonable number of jobs out there for entry level C# programmers), or if I should be turning my focuses elsewhere?

    The applications I'd be writing as part of my job will involve standard business practices (scheduling, POS, etc).

    Any insight people can offer is much appreciated :)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/72540.html

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