Attach class to a Session in ASP.NET

    Date: 08/23/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: asp, web

    Say, I have two classes:


    Say, I also have a class


    which can be either Buyer or Seller, or both, or anonymous. In fact, I want User to represent the current session, and have the following member variables:
    (i wrote self-explanatory members' names)





    As you see, the User class only makes sense to keep during a session. How can I connect this kind of class with a session, so that the object of the User class gets created when a user goes to the website, it disappears when user leaves; and it stays available as the user goes from page to page?

    Maybe there are built in functions for this whole thing, and I'm inventing a wheel?

    (I'm using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#)


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