JetBrains dotTrace 2.0 beta released

    Date: 09/15/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: software, html, asp, microsoft

    The public beta version of the best profiler for .NET applications was released today.

    You can download it and and try out here: The download includes a full-functionality license that will allow you to use the software until October 31, 2006.

    The most important new feature in dotTrace 2.0 beta is Memory Profiling. Now you can see what happens with the memory used by your .NET applications to optimize how your app uses memory. You can capture snapshots of memory to analyze in nine informative views, each tuned to a specific aspect of memory usage. You can also take a snapshot of the application’s memory state at two key points to compare them and locate memory leaks.

    Notable enhancements in performance profiling include "Quick Info" for any function, the ability to compare performance snapshots of the same application, new filtering options and collapsing recursive calls. Among other useful features and improvements are the integration with Microsoft Visual Studio and the ability to profile Windows services.

    Information on new features is available at

    We think you’ll find that dotTrace 2.0 is now a comprehensive and robust profiling solution for .NET applications that stands up to the most demanding profiling requirements. Give it a try and let us know what you think!


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