Query Analyzer Vs. SRS... different results

    Date: 10/19/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: database, sql

    So, I'm posting here in hopes that someone has encountered something like this before and knows a way to fix it.

    this is a larger issue, but the crux of it is simply this query (yes it calles a sql server stored proc):

    spRPT_TKT_ThreeDayCountReport null,null,null,null,null,null,'9/16/2006','10/15/2006',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null

    When executed from query analyzer (paste in, hit f5) connected to the production database I get one set of results.
    When executed as a dataset (command type: text) in Sql Reporting Services, I get a different set of results.

    The row counts and MOST of the associated data are exactly the same, the problem lies in SOME of the individual items are 0 (not null, just 0), in all cases these are sum(isnull(-variable-),0) items in the Sproc.

    I am at a loss for why the results to this query are different from one application to the other. (and they are 100% reproducable).

    any ideas?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/78075.html

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