
    Date: 04/01/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: asp, web

    Hey everybody. I'm a little new to the C# development, but I'm trying to muddle my way through it for a project I was asked to create (online exams that submit to the instructor via e-mail).

    So I was wondering...

    I'm trying to use the System.Web.Mail namespace to creat the message that will be submitted, but I've run into a bit of a snag. I'm wondering if it's possible to use this, if the SMTP server is not going to be the same for each person who takes the test.

    Again, I'm quite new to C# and I ask that you go easy on me. ^_^


    X-posted to '[info]'aspdotnet

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/26652.html

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