Date: 02/27/09 (C Sharp) Keywords: html, xml, java, web I’m having some “fun” with client-side validation on a roll-my-own BaseValidator subclass. My validator is to validate email format and includes the following code (with XMLdoc removed for brevity): using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace IrisDigital.WebControls.Validation { [System.Web.UI.ToolboxData("<{0}:EmailValidator runat='server'/>")] public class EmailValidator : BaseValidator { protected override void AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer) { base.AddAttributesToRender(writer); if (base.RenderUplevel) { writer.AddAttribute("evaluationfunction", "CheckEmailFormat"); writer.AddAttribute("controltovalidate", this.GetControlRenderID(this.ControlToValidate)); } } protected override bool EvaluateIsValid() { // ... } protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); if (base.RenderUplevel) { if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("IrisDigital.WebControls.Validation.EmailValidator")) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("IrisDigital.WebControls.Validation.EmailValidator", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(), "IrisDigital.WebControls.Validation.EmailValidator.js")); } this.ClientValidationFunction = "CheckEmailFormat"; } } Most of the rationale for doing things this way is from an article on CodeProject: RequiredIfValidator — Extending from the BaseValidator class, which does it precisely this way. The validator works wonderfully. But the client-side validation never fires. The WebResource correctly gets added to the page as a script include (for which I need to have the following line in my AssemblyInfo.cs, in case you were wondering): [assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("IrisDigital.WebControls.Validation.EmailValidator.js", "text/javascript")] , but it just never gets called. Anyone got any ideas why? Cross-posted to