Hello again!

    Date: 04/28/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: database, asp, web

    It's time for another round of questioning from '[info]'julisana!

    Alright. I'm not sure if this question would be more suited in '[info]'aspdotnet, but I figured I'd ask here, anyway. I've got a web application, with an external data access layer for connecting and accessing a database. The problem I'm running into is this:

    What's the best way to connect the data layer to the pages!

    Also, and this is just a dumb little piddly question: Seeing how this is a web application, should the file format for my data layer be *.cs or *.aspx?

    Thanks so much!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/27967.html

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