remoting function calls

    Date: 05/21/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello guys,

    a quick question. I have a server application and a client application. From the client, using remoting, I am creating remote object on the server and pass him a callback function so that server can notify client when it feels like it. The signature is Callback(Hashtable ht). And this ht contains hierarchical data, meaning that one of the values in ht can be Hashtable itself. So far so good, it all works fine, until I need some values to be not Hashtable, but my own class MyHashtable, derived from the Hashtable. As soon as I make the change, client doesn't receive notifications anymore, and server fires an exception the type MyHashtable is not marked as serializable. Well, it is inherited from Hashtable that supports ISerializable interface, so it should support it too. But OK, I can imagine the approach when each derived class has to resubmit it's adherence to interfaces. So I added all Hashtable supported interfaces in the declaration of MyHashtable. Yet, the same result: MyHashtable is not marked as serializable.

    So, if somebody has an idea about what's going on, please share before I start reading MSDN. I sincerely hope it's not like some [Serializable] attribute is required or something...


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