Forms Authentication problems
Date: 09/24/05
(C Sharp) Keywords: database, asp, web
Hey all,
I've been running into a seriously weird problem of late... I have a Virtual Directory set up on my dev machine, on which I've developed my personal website. I have forms authentication and it's working fine. I come to deploy it under my pre-prod server (which is now a Website rather than a V. Dir.) and forms authentication gives me grief: once authenticated, it displays a blank page (correct address, but blank).
On the same machine, I stop the website and create a virtual directory, specifying the same location. Not a single file or permission changed. Bingo, lets me in. Anyone have any info on this?
Config: ASP.NET v 1.1, Forms Authentication done by a user control. No database, just DataSets running from .config files (I really don't foresee much traffic... Me, a couple of friends. I'm lucky if I get one hit a week outside of my own usage). Using a templating scheme as suggested by Joe Agster on devx here. My authentication code in a nutshell:
if (Authenticate(UserTextBox.Text, PassTextBox.Text))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UserTextBox.Text, PersistentCheck.Checked);
Response.Redirect(Request.ApplicationPath + "/default.aspx");
CommentLabel.Text = "Wrong credentials, please try again.";
CommentLabel.Visible = true;
Any idears?
Thanks in advance!