Compiling & Batch files

    Date: 11/08/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: no keywords

    I realize that this isn't quite a C# question, but I'm certain that some of you might have experience with a problem like this.

    I'm writing some exercises in C# for a one of my classes. The problem is that we're restricted to using only the command line compiler. It was agreed that this was best, since we might not have the linsencing to afford VS.NET on the classroom machines.

    Right now I have a batch file that invokes the compiler and, if successful, produces an exe. I'm honestly not all that familiar with DOS batchfiles (the classroom computers are Win2k), and it took me most of the afternoon to write the one I have.

    Everything works fine up until I have to compile more than one file into an exe. I've hacked the batchfile to compile multiple source files by typing in each file name, but I was hoping for something simpler.

    Is there any way to make the C# compiler "find" all the needed source files to compile an exe?


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