Anyone ever work for EDS?

    Date: 12/06/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: no keywords

    Posting this to a couple of communities in hopes of an answer. I recently got a job as a C++/.NET Programmer (We use both). The position is good, dress is extremely casual and there's about 50% travel involved (good or bad depending on how you look at it.). Most days this is an 70 minute commute, if the traffic is horrible it's a 3 hours commute. Besides the horrible commute the job is great.

    Here's my question. I have an interview with EDS coming up, I applied to both places around the same time. The EDS job is only 30 minutes away (Again if the traffic isn't horrible), but I really know nothing about working there. Has anyone worked for them? What's it like? Do they suck as an employer? What are their benefits, etc ,etc?


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