strongly typed resources problem

    Date: 02/15/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: microsoft


    I tried to use resgen.exe (/str:cs) to convert my .resx file into a nice class with get properties for all of my resources. I end up getting a MissingManifestResourceException whenever I try to access a resource from this class. It says it can't resolve the .resources file, even though I added it to and embedded it in my build.

    Then I went the alternate route and used StronglyTypedResourceBuilder.Create("C:\\Documents and Settings\\bprice\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2005\\Projects\\str\\str\\Properties\\Resources.resx", "Resources", "str", new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider(), true, out errors); to generate the class. Now I don't know where it put the Resources.cs file(and I tried specifiying a path).

    Any clues to how I can access my resources from either approach?


    These two tools are absolutely useless. My VP browsed the MSDN magazine and found you can do [proj namespace].Properties.Resources.[resource name], which accesses a get property of the resource.


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