Type-matching columns and security issues.

    Date: 03/13/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: programming, sql, web

    Setup: Visual C# 2005 Standard Edition, SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (SP, erm, I think we're up to 6?)

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    1. As usual everything I'm rading on the internet seems to have something to do with web programming, and I'm not programming for the web.

    I'm trying to set a relation in a dataset, and I'm getting the following error: "Parent Columns and Child Columns don't have type-matching columns." Now, putting aside the embarrassingly painful grammar of that statement, it's quite simply not true; the two columns I'm trying to relate are both int. One was originally no-NULLs-allowed and the other nullable, but changing them to be the same in that cases didn't fix the problem. Anyone know of any other reasons why this error might crop up that actually have nothing to do with te column types involved?

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    2. This is an incredibly noobish question, sorry; I'm not used to writing stuff that other people will actually use.

    My boss is after a progress report on my current project, so I built a copy of it and put the copy out on one of our network drives to which he also has access. The computer on which he's attempting to run the program has .NET 2.0, so no problem there. When he attempts to run the program, he gets an odd error that I don't remember off the top of my head, but it translates to "SQL Server is not letting you in." Our server is set to require Windows authentication, and he is logged in.

    Any ideas? Thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/52128.html

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