justifying text, navigation bar, namechange token

    Date: 12/24/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

    hey guys, this is my first time ever posting in this community, so i figured i'd see if anyone knew how to do the things i can't figure out. these all are in reference to livejournal.

    first of all, i'm wondering how you justify your text like it's done in this journal. http://035.livejournal.com/

    secondly, i use the generator, and i'm wondering how you get a top navigation bar like this journal has http://kzeromancer.livejournal.com/ with the userinfo, friends calendar, and website, only i just want userinfo and friends.

    oh yeah, and one more thing! does anyone either 1. have a token they want to give up to someone who wants to change their username? or 2. know how i can get one WITHOUT paying $15??

    hopefully someone can help me out! :) thanks!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2377837.html

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