I need so much web help I don't know where to begin

    Date: 12/22/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: browser, web

    First of all, I want to say sorry for posting this in multiple places but I need all the help I can get.

    I am a novice webmaster. I learned most of what I know by clicking view source, seeing where people had text, adding my own and slightly modifying those pages. Therefore, saying that I don't know what I'm doing is an understatement. I usually find programs to do the things I need to get done like menus (deluexe menues), web dwarf and my latests installment, Dreamweaver 8 which I have no freaking clue how to use to it's full potential.

    My club's webpage needs serious work. One issue is the menu. Since it's from a program, it says trial menu on top of it, disabling people from clicking the links. Two is the overall layout. It's boring, it's plain. I want to stick to the color scheme of red, black and white. I'm having alignment problems, browser problems (looks one way in IE vs Firefox) and a whole medley of other problems. My club has a forum which I've been posting screen caps of the mistakes in the website and pleading for help. Turns out, I'm practically the only one who knows how to do anything web wise which meant I'm on my own. I had one guy reply but due to my lack of knowledge, he was way over my head.

    Here is the forum post. Feel free to read it, look at the screen caps and comments. I've set the board so that anyone may leave comments. I would be grateful for some help. I've been frustrated over this issue way too long. Thank You



    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2377004.html

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