1. Codes for icon table.

    Date: 08/25/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Does anyone can where I can get codes for the icon tables?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2410441.html

  2. Header help?

    Date: 08/17/07     Keywords: no keywords

    My header shows up fine for my entries page, but mysteriously disappears when I click on the "friends" and "calendar" links.

    link: http://galscout.livejournal.com/
    compared to: http://galscout.livejournal.com/friends and http://galscout.livejournal.com/calendar

    Would anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks in advance. :)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2409943.html

  3. A Question.

    Date: 08/17/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Is there a certain code to put a background colour over a certain word while typing an entry in lj?

    Thanks in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2409576.html

  4. Halp?

    Date: 08/16/07     Keywords: html

    ...I feel really silly asking about this, and I did check through the memories...could someone lend me a hand, please?

    ...I should say, I looked at the memories, but for the life of me, I don't know what it would be called, and I don't remember the coding for it!!!

    I made a banner a few months back, and wanted to put it on Myspace for friends to put into their profiles (it was for a classmate who passed away in Iraq). I had the image link inside of a box...you could copy and paste the link from the box into your profile, and BAM!, there was the banner!

    I asked for help with this somewhere before, and I can't remember where that was. I swore I saved the code after I'd made it, but apparently, that wasn't the case.

    Can anyone give me the HTML for that box so it could appear on Myspace? I've tried a few different things, but all I've been getting is the banner itself with some of the excess HTML code hanging off from it.

    Thanks for your time and your patience! I appreciate this, and will NOT lose the code this time - I'll copy, paste, and save that sucker on WordPad! XD

    Thanks again!!!!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2409463.html

  5. A tag list in a scrollbar.

    Date: 08/12/07     Keywords: html

    Hi, i'm one of the 3 mods of the community '[info]'girls_of_asiaand I need a list of tags in a scrooling box, like this one in '[info]'dorama_ru I've already asked them but they weren't able to explain, as I've got another Style System in my community. My 2 others moderators are on the holiday so I'm counting on you. Could you please provide me with a html code so that all tags enter the scroll-bar. Have I to change my Style System? The one I have now is Generator, while dorama_ru's Style is Smooth Sailing. One question more: where do I insert the code? Please forgive me, I'm an absolute zero in these problems. @_@ So thank you in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2408829.html

  6. My Forum

    Date: 08/05/07     Keywords: html, google

    Er.... I have a forum on invisionfree, and this morning, I was messing with the coding to try to do something. I stupidly didn't try it on a test board and saved it, forgetting what I did. Well, now the portal is messed up, and I have no idea how to make the dividers appear. Could someone help me?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2407904.html

  7. Help with headers?

    Date: 08/05/07     Keywords: html

    Hey, i'm old to LJ but new to this community! ^_^ Anyway, i was wondering, can anyone teach me how to make a layout like this?
    What i want is a header at the top, like that community's layout. I've tried all the tutorials and i can't find a single thing that explains this. The way i make layouts is use photoshop and make/copy and edit an image, then paste it up into the override codes. I'm also using the Generator style, so if i were to want to have that layout as that community, will i need to change it? Or is that kind of layout only available to paid accounts?

    Sorry for being such a dummy on HTML...^^;; And thanks in advance! ^_^

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2407453.html

  8. Profile Layouts

    Date: 08/03/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I was just wondering if anyone had any links to tutorials for coding profile layouts, I can't seem to find any.

    Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2407400.html

  9. scrolling box

    Date: 08/03/07     Keywords: no keywords

    just wondering would it be possible to put pics inside a scrolling box? my profile is here and in that box i want to put images. i dont think the box for the coding is right since it only allows text [as its a text box duh]. is there one for images or something?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2407039.html

  10. Side bar

    Date: 07/26/07     Keywords: no keywords

    How would you make a side bar next to your entries like the one found here?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2406591.html

  11. layout help

    Date: 07/20/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I'm working on my first s1 layout and I've been trying to figure something out for two hours now and it just won't work.
    How do I put all my entries into a text/scroll box so that the box is part of the layout?
    Is it possible on a regular account, and if so, how?
    I hope you understand what I mean, I don't know how to word it.
    Thank you in advance,
    - Lin

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2406101.html

  12. helpp

    Date: 07/20/07     Keywords: no keywords

    How do I get it so my entries in my journal are all lined up? like the text is one big blockinstead of being jagged at the ends?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2405692.html

  13. Text filters

    Date: 07/06/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I want to use a text filter so that when I point my mouse over my user info link, recent entries, leave a comment etc., it will be highlighted, like I've noticed it is done on this community.

    I use Expressive layout, S2. Any help is appreciated!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2403609.html

  14. image maps

    Date: 07/04/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I'd like to use an image map as a header on my lj but I can't seem to find an override code to do so. I already have the image and the code for the image map.

    Please and thank you in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2403214.html

  15. overlay help for myspace? I'm kind of rusty on html so please bear with me.

    Date: 07/02/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I'm making a site for my zine/movie review site, so i just decided to use myspace instead. I went to createblog for some ideas because it didn't want it to look like a myspace.I found some that were titled "DIV OVERLAY" but I didnt like the styles, except for one and i deleted the background they had and replaced it with another image.

    problem 1: when i tried to copy it to use on my myspace site, all of the links i tried to post would become "http://www.msplink.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    problem 2: how do i figure out the margins and positions so the text and scroll bars end up in those boxes?

    here is the image posted on the site.

    the green box is 335 width x 319 height
    the red and yellow boxes are 152 width x 176 height.
    (background image is at the bottom left)

    whoever can help me will totally get credited on the site too.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2402726.html

  16. Tables and Cellpadding

    Date: 06/16/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I have a question regarding cellpadding that I was hoping someone may be able to help me with.

    Say the cellpadding for my table is set to 5, but in one cell I don't want any padding, is there a way to set it so the cellpadding value is different for a single cell? I'm just now beginning to understand tables and I never get anything out of any tutorials, so hopefully you guys don't mind this question too much.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2402503.html

  17. ASDFG.

    Date: 06/15/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I am using Flexible Squares on S2, and I tried to customize it myself, but I've hit a snag. I can't seem to get my header and footer tables to look like the original, and mine are just bars now.

    Also, I don't know how to get my subject on the same line as the date and time in the entries. The day doesn't seem to show when I post. I basically need to know how to customize the damn subject/day/date/time line. Argh.

    My ideal layout would be something like this. Please help, thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2402130.html

  18. code to prevent spamming?

    Date: 06/13/07     Keywords: spam

    I have a fanlisting and I need a code to place on the page to prevent bots from picking up the email addresses  and prevent spamming.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2401857.html


    Date: 06/13/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi guys!!!

    '[info]'wts24h is starting a series of the art competitions!
    Here is the first competition!

    "Open Letter to Bill Gates".

    The best short story will be awarded  100$  in PayPal.
    The winner will be chosen by the greatest number of votes.
    You can post your short stories here for 7 days,
    and then we start voting :-)

    pic from Freaking News.com

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2401700.html

  20. CG what?

    Date: 06/05/07     Keywords: mysql, sql


    Does anybody know where I can find simple user-friendly Guest-book scripts, that I can edit easily?

    And what is "CGI" and "MySQL"?

    Thank you in advanced.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2401202.html

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