AS/400 - iSeries?

    Date: 08/21/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm about to recreate the scene from the movie Office Space where they take the printer out to a field and smash it to bits. Only, I'm going to substitute my iSeries-AS/400 machine.

    If anyone has any kind of knowledge about this type of machine, I'd appreciate your thoughts..

    I'm trying to get the network working.

    I've setup a line called ETHERLINE connected to CMN01 (which appears to be operational) I've also tried connecting it to CMN04 and CMN05. When I try to vary it on, I just get "Line ETHERLINE vary on failed" I've tried to IPL the system a few times to see if that would cure anything, but it did not.

    I don't even know where to begin.. I've followed these instructions:

    Any ideas or suggestions for a place to smash this thing would be great.



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