cable management for the larger switch chassis

    Date: 09/05/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: web

    To all:

    I've been googling this for a while, and really haven't found anything other than a few demo pictures on panduit's website. I am trying to come up with a game plan for managing the cabling on the front of a Catalyst 6513 chassis. Right now, we have five 48 port blades on the chassis. We will be adding an additional five blades with PoE capability to push all of our VoIP phones in the near future.

    that will bring me to a port density of 480 on the front of that chassis, most of which will be populated. I'm considering statically wiring every port on the 6513 to the back of a bunch of patch panels in the next rack over, but even this is a lot of work, and leaves another possible point of failure in a termination...

    My question is: how is everyone managing cabling on their larger chassis?

    x-posted a few places.


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