GPO Policy XP (Breaking your own computer)

    Date: 03/18/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: security

    So today, I was feeling experimental and decided to set my GPO to insane security mode on my desktop.
    after rebooting any service running as 'localsystem' wouldn't start (access denied)
    this led to a series of other funky problems... including explorer not loading...

    I love GPO's to death... but this was ridiculous..
    anyway, it was easy as hell to reset with a 'secedit /import' command of my default security script..
    and i'm as good as new now, except now when people try to connect to my shares they get a user name Guest, and insert password prompt. I'm not posting to ask for help just thought I would share..
    I'm sure i'll figure it out.

    **Comment on this:

    Has anyone else done anything incredibly stupid to their home systems??


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