RSA CIO talk in the Boston area

    Date: 03/20/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: security, web

    A friend of mine told me about a talk this coming Thursday, the 24th, by Gerry Wilson, the CIO of RSA. I think lunch is also going to be provided. It sounds like a good opportunity to talk to someone about authentication beyond just key tokens or passwords. RSA is also supposed to have a new product that replaces Windows XP logins with secuirID logins.

    The talk is at a restaurant in Framingham from 11 to 1. I think it's sponsored by a local VAR, but AFAIK they're only there to buy lunch for everyone. I wish I could go, but I'm on the wrong coast. ;-)

    For more info, check this website:

    (cross-posted to '[info]'itprofessionals, '[info]'infosec, and '[info]'itsecurity)


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