MS Exchange in a hosted environment...

    Date: 07/24/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

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    My IT Consulting Firm is looking for someone with 5+ years of experience with MS Exchange in a hosted environment. We are desperate, but we are high end so we can't just take anyone. They have to be good and also not a total dickhead. The company is in the long-term looking for an in-house person (someone who is in or can relocate to Los Angeles), as we've been having bad luck with consultants, but will make do temporarily with any qualified person anywhere who will telecommute and get the work done.

    Basically, if you are looking for some temporary extra money (the hours are v. flexible) please apply.
    Or if you are in LA and want a great permanent job, please apply.

    Please send resumes in pdf format to or fax to 310.470.9176.


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