Book Rec?

    Date: 07/24/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: sql, java

    Has anyone read/got Head First Design Patterns? What did you think? I'm considering getting it.

    I'm not a hard core coder myself right now (I have been in the past but I was working strictly procedurally, this was before OOP really took off), in my job I just occasionally have to write the odd bit of code, generally to link a couple of existing apps together or to pull some data out of one app and make it ready for loading into another app or a reporting tool. I also sometimes have to talk to developers and think it would be helpful to get more of a grip on what they are talking about. I principally use PL/SQL or C/C++ but lately I've started to learn Java and it looks like I'm going to have to learn Perl and/or Python for a project that's coming up.

    Do you think that book would be any use for me? Or should I be looking for something a bit more basic.


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