Windows driver verifier tool

    Date: 09/12/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: asp, microsoft

    interesting tool for you power geeks out there:

    Power User: Licensed to Drive Windows?

    Microsoft has provided a management tool known as the Driver Verifier Manager. Unfortunately, they didn’t really tell anyone about it.

    To see what I’m talking about, you should first save all open files and close all open programs because the Verifier can, by design, trigger the infamous Blue Screen of Death.

    Now select Start, Run [or use the Windows Key-R shortcut], then type Verifier and press Enter. You should see a dialog box offering you the chance to either view current driver settings or create your own.
    (more in article);en-us;244617
    Driver Verifier is included in Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 to promote stability and reliability; you can use this tool to troubleshoot driver issues. Windows kernel-mode components can cause system corruption or system failures as a result of an improperly written driver, such as an earlier version of a Windows Driver Model (WDM) driver. This article describes how to use Driver Verifier to isolate and troubleshoot a driver in the system.

    just an fyi,


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