2 router configuration / port forwarding problem

    Date: 12/27/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    Here is an interesting one I hope you guys can help with.

    have 2 routers, a linksys connected to my cable broadband, then one of
    its ports is wired into the WAN port of a new Netgear ProSafe.

    The ProSafe is set to a public static IP of (on the WAN/Linksys side) and its LAN side uses the 192.168.0.x group.

    I have set for DMZ on the linksys.

    Computers on both subnets can reach each other fine.

    My problem is this, I need to employ port forwarding to make services on the Netgear end publicly accessible.

    logs on the Netgear are showing that traffic is coming in from outside
    and is being accepted by the firewall, and then being returned back to

    But nothing on the outside get the returned packets.

    My guess is that the linksys is not passing these packets back to the originated public system.

    don't have the foggiest clue how to fix this. I've messed around with
    static routes to no available. This whole configuration is only working
    as well as it is because of RIP (I think).

    As always, any help will be appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/30976.html

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