Microsoft Exchange/Outlook Calendar Alternative

    Date: 02/16/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: microsoft


    Our MD is putting pressure on me and my staff to start using Outlook as our standard mail client, chiefly so he can make us of Microsoft Exchange calendar features.

    Obviously we'd rather mutilate ourselves with rusty breadknives than use Outlook to collect e-mails.

    Is anybody aware of a preferably open source, or relatively cheap Windows XP based alternative (or failing that just an alternative, anything, please), that would allow us to interact with the Exchange calendar, whilst continuing to use regular, secure e-mail clients for sending and receiving e-mail?

    I've had a look at Mozilla calendar (potentially quite useful as quite a few of us use Firefox and Thunderbird), but I don't think it's compatible.

    Thanks in advance for any help.




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