techs I need help. thanks

    Date: 02/20/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: virus

    I went to fix this lady's computer. She had a virus which I successfully removed it. Then she told me she needed her printer installed. She had just bought it and it never worked on her computer. It's a USB printer. I reinstalled it for her and attempted to print but to no avail. I thought maybe it was the printer and I had an extra USB printer in my car that I also tried to install but didnt work. I also tried to use my USB jump drive on her computer and it would work for a few seconds then die on me. In fact it kept giving me a weird I/O error message that I probably should have written down. ;p So now I'm thinking she has a problem with her USB ports. I installed the latest USB drivers for her and still to no avail. I even got out a new PCI USB card. That didn't work either. Her computer is an older machine running Windows 2000 that was upgraded from Windows ME. I totally gave up and told her if I found out how to fix it, I'd come back. I'm thinking maybe she has to upgrade her BIOS now or maybe there is some option in her bios. which I never done before in my life and wasn't about to do it for the first time on her computer. Any ideas?


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